
Conditional III - okres warunkowy 3

wykonań: 45, śr. wynik: 64%, poziom: 2, profil: Gimnazjum Szkoła średnia Matura Dorośli

Wybierz jedną z odpowiedzi

  1. She ___ that painful operation if she ___ smoking earlier.

  2. If I ___ home on time, my mom ___ angry.

  3. What ___ you ___ if he ___? Did you think about it?

  4. The police ___ the thief if they ___ faster.

  5. She ___ if the doctor ___ late.

  6. The funny thing is that Columbus ___ America if he ___ a mistake.

  7. The tiger ___ you if you ___ it!

  8. The company ___ bankrupt if the bank ___ agreed to the loan.

  9. What ___ you ___ if they ___ stolen you car?

  10. Can you imagine what ___ happened if the scientists ___ noticed the hurricane?