
Conditional II - okres warunkowy 2

wykonań: 97, śr. wynik: 61%, poziom: 1, profil: Gimnazjum Szkoła średnia Matura Dorośli

Wybierz jedną z odpowiedzi

  1. I feel really sick today. If I ___ better, I ___ go with you.

  2. ___ you help me if I ___ in trouble?

  3. John says he ___ go mad if Susan ___ him.

  4. What ___ you say if she ___ the truth?

  5. We ___ buy this house if we ___ afford it.

  6. What ___ you say if she ___ the truth?

  7. If I ___ knew the answer I ___ the competition... What a pity!

  8. I ___ never try to cheat a person I ___.

  9. What ___ you do if I ___ you the same way?

  10. If I ___ a rich man, she ___ want to marry me. She's so materialistic!